Thursday, May 20, 2010

Surrey Place Curtain Call

Lidia and Karen have been taking the boys to Surrey Place's Thursday music group for most of the spring, and every time I've planned to tag along something gets in the way: sometimes a medical appointment, but usually, the inevitable last-minute workplace emergency that only I can solve. Fates relented this week to allow me to skip out for the very LAST meeting until next fall.

It was a busier session than those I'd experienced last year, and things were pretty loose until song time. Carter and Nathaniel tried out the toys and books and were re-introduced to their friends Josh, Maggie, and Marissa (Marissa was particularly taken by Carter, and planted him with an enthusiastic hug and kiss. Crikey, he's not even a year-and-a-half--I'm not ready for that talk yet...). Eventually, Carter grew bored and became more interested in finding a way out.
Then it was song time--accompanied by some simple sign language instruction. Fortunately, we were more than familiar with the two household favorites--"Old MacDonald" and "The Wheels On The Bus"--which we will now enhance with the appropriate gestures.

Lidia and Karen stuck around with the boys for the free lunch while I had to bolt back to work--if your definition of "bolt" means a walk from College and University to King and Bathurst (roughly 30 minutes) with not a single streetcar in sight (and reminding me of the "sign language" many citizens were flashing the streetcar drivers after the 2008 strike)...

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