Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The best blanky in the world...

A few months ago I read about this neat little Down Syndrome awareness raising effort called the T21 Travelling Afghan Project, courtesy of fellow bloggers the Sanchez family (you can check out their story at Three's A Charm, here http://trisacharm.blogspot.com/). I can't sum up its purpose any more than the idea's originator, Chandos "CJ" Field, who knitted the afghan (she has an adopted daughter with Down Syndrome, Emma):

"The handmade blanket is traveling from one family to another who has a family member with Down Syndrome. The family member can be of any age, from birth through the senior years. The family can also be located anywhere on the globe. The afghan will travel from one family to another, along with a journal.Each family, upon receiving the afghan, takes a picture of their family member with it and we post it on on this blog under the Label "T21 Travelling Afghan". After having the afghan for bit, the family writes a note in the journal and sends it off to the next family, whose address I will email to them."

We received the Afghan from the Leonard family in Fort Erie, Ontario, on Friday. The boys love blankets - they love playing peek-a-boo and hiding under them, and the T21 Afghan was no exception! Here's Nathaniel having fun:

Not to be outdone, twin bro Carter also had his turn, cuddling up with the Afghan as if it were really his own:

Alas, we'll have to say goodbye at the end of the week and pass this fun little gift on to the next family... but not before posting some more pics and video!!!

If you want more information on the T21 Travelling Afghan and related projects, click on this link: http://www.thet21travelingafghanproject.com/

Monday, June 28, 2010

Brusha Brusha!

Carter's first encounter with a toothbrush was an instant hit--that Thomas The Tank Engine toothpaste must be pretty tasty!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Team Ferrari!


Well, it's not quite what we'd imagine would be Carter's first official word, but it would appear that "banana" rolls effortlessly off of a toddler's 18 month old tongue. Of course, it helps that he actually likes the fruit--imagine how confused we'd be if he called out for it night and day only to snub it. Everybody now: "ba-na-na", "ba-na-na"!!! See? It's easy...(clip to come)

Happy Birthday, Nanny

A surprise 5.5 earthquake that shook the Ottawa Valley at about 1:45 pm this afternoon--and felt all the way here in Toronto (by Mom, but strangely, not by Dad,the boys, and Karen)-- couldn't stop Nanny from commemorating her 87th birthday her way--with catering by Wendy's (her favorite fast food joint, and a fine choice). We were sorry we couldn't be there in person, but we'd left a card last visit and the boys got a chance to hear her voice on the phone (we couldn't convince Carter to tell her his new favorite word: "banana"). Oh well, in less than a month we'll be back in the 'Valley to visit again to celebrate proper...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day--minus Father!

My second Father's Day was a lonely celebration--I was immersed in a comic book pitch for a U.S. publisher that was due two days later. Because the offer came on the exact same day we'd left for Pembroke, I'd lost an entire week of drawing time (on what would normally have been a very generous two-week turnaround) and had to catch up with a string of late nights and, unfortunately, the entire weekend. We managed to shoehorn in some playtime at day's end, but next year, pencils down!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Maggie's Clean Bill Of Health

While the boys enjoyed brunch at The Foggy Dew with Mom and her friends Jackie, Robin, and Rowena, I packed up Maggie in the pet carrier and endured the expected long wait at Queen West Animal Hospital for her annual checkup. She missed last year's appointment, but because she's gotten sick last May, she'd been subjected to more tests and lab work than usual, so what was the point? The new docs hadn't met our prize tortie before and found her adorable (who wouldn't?), and characteristically cooperative and mild-mannered amidst a weigh-in, a dental inspection, rabies shots, and a blood sample (the lab work results proved to be perfect.

Her sister hissed at her for the remainder of the day (that "vet clinic" smell lingers for a few hours), but Maggie will have the chance to return the treatment when Minnie's due for her tune-up in the fall...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June Vacation: One Last Wagon Ride Before We Go...

A sad day as vacation week comes to an end--the boys rose early to cram in as much extra time as they could with Grandma and Grandpa....

Soon, we were back on the rode for one of the speedier returns home...with the usual stop in Tweed and a welcomely uneventful ride back to the GTA...

Of course, this was all just a warm-up. We'll be returning to Pembroke again in late July, which should provide everyone back home enough time to rest up...

Friday, June 11, 2010

June Vacation: Day Four (Pt 2)

Back home, in between the requisite wagon tours and stroller rides, Carter spent much of his time racingfrom the garage to the kitchen to sample competing country music stationss, Grandpa outfitted him with the right-sized broom to help out around the yard, and Nathaniel played it low-key by lounging on the blanket and letting Nanny do all the heavy lifting...