During Lidia's ultrasound this morning, we were asked by the technologist: "How do you feel about
two?" We were both floored by the news--a total surprise neither of us expected (although I considered it for about six seconds during a National Geographic special)--but it feels
great!!! All were hoping for was to hear a single healthy heartbeat--and it's confirmed that there's definitely another and that both are, to quote Dr. Timea Belej-Rak, "
perfect". (That's Lidia, of course, holding up the first photos of Baby "A" and Baby "B" in the
LifeQuest waiting room, pretending not to know the good news and not spoil Dr. Belej-Rak's surprise. But we both blew it...). Neither of us have stopped smiling all day! Now hopefully Lidia's father will get some encouraging news to fight his illess...