Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Surrey Music Class

Pops was able to attend Session 3 of Surrey's music class, where Nathaniel got to create a super-neat drum (with a little artistic flourish from yours truly)...

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Eyes Have It (with Dr. Bader)

Has it really been a year already? This morning, we took the loooong drive to Bayview for the boyos' annual poke n' prod from the ever-friendly (if not a little abrupt) Dr. Bader. After a short wait flipping through the great books and toys in the waiting room, Dr. B diagnosed Carter and Nathaniel's respective vision as perfect as can be, before Pops took the wheel for the arduous drive through downtown traffic, just in time for Karren's arrival...