Saturday, July 14, 2012


Another benchmark day as Carter suddenly requested, simply, that we take the bars down from his crib. We'd been thinking about it for a while now, and since he brought it up, it seemed like the ideal moment to just get on with it.

Thankfully, the simplicity of Ikea products made changing the cribs into basic beds a fairly painless exercise. And while we were at it, why not convert the changing table into a toy shelf?

Carter has been climbing out of the crib for weeks now, so it's not like the absence of bars is going to make a huge difference in his nocturnal habits. Nathaniel is a sound sleeper but twists and turns much more than his brother--so, as you'd figure, on the the first night did manage to fall out of bed (thankfully, the drop is less than a foot).

We live in such a confined space that mere inches can make a world of difference in perception--without the crib bars and the extension of the changing table the room now looks much more spacious--once we remove the (damaged) rocking chair, the boys will have even more room to play...

Next up, some new posters, and more figures for the new shelf. Downstairs is starting to look like The Silver Snail...

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