Our last trip to Pembroke was such a success (ie: we made it there safe and still sane) that we decided it was time to do it again sooner than later. With the weather cooperating and Daddy-O having a lot of unused vacation time to burn up, we once again left Maggie and Minnie in the care of VIP Housesitters and embarked on another 5-day escape to Grandma and Grandpa’s house…
So, over the hills and through the woods...and along several hours of endless kilometres of winding, unchanging Canadian Shield country that would induce sleep were it not for the blaring music and fear of speed traps...
Save for an impromptu stop in Eganville, just as we were nearing the home stretch…
Once we arrived, it didn’t take long for the word to get around the Carter and Nathaniel were back in town. Nanny came over, followed by Kayla, and then, as if the day wasn’t eventful enough, we were joined by some very special visitors….
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