2010 ushers in some major changes: the boys are growing steadily, obviously, Daddy-O's workplace will be moving a little further along Queen Street mid-year, and mom's mat-leave has run out and she's got to return to the rigors of the advertising industry if our current domicile is to be maintained for the foreseeable future. So, we had to pull our dwindling financial resources and enlist some help, else live on bread and water until the boys' high school graduations. Thankfully, in a welcome twist of fate, an ideal candidate became available just when we needed one: a neighbour's nanny told of us of a reputable young lady looking for a new child caretaker gig and we just
happened to live downstairs...
Karen came highly recommended and from our first meeting, struck up an immediate chemistry with Nathaniel and Carter. She knows all of the other families in our neighbourhood and is no stranger to Shelly's drop-in and the gatherings at Stanley Park. After a preliminary "training week" with Lidia, she officially took the solo reigns this week and so far, the scenario is working out with everyone. Fortunately, Daddy-O's only minutes away and stops in for periodic checks to make sure everyone's getting along, not that they're needed. Now, if only Karen would teach us her secret for getting the boys to sleep...
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