Most of us
of a certain age would welcome settling into life in which you'd be require to simply lie on your back all day and idle about until people to feed you, dress you, sing you songs, and bring you things--with your only obligation to act adorable. But for Carter and Nathaniel, the shelf life on that fantasy expired at approximately the six month mark.

In the past few weeks, the boys have steadily gained strength and awareness to the point where they spend most of their awake time flipping over onto their tummies, trying to sit up, stand up--
anything, really, but what they're doing at the immediate moment!

During the visit to Pembroke, Carter took immediately to the freedom afforded by the Graco Easy Glider, and Nathaniel suddenly became adept at--and obsessed with--grabbing my fingers and pulling himself effortlessly up into standing position (again and again and
again...). When we got back to Toronto, we immediately invested in a Jolly Jumper, which is a hit with both boys, even if it is mounted at the entrance to the downstairs bathroom--not the
classiest location to be sure--but for reasons known only to Brookfield Properties, the only one on the main floor that offers a standard secure door frame.
Improvisation has the name of the game in this scenario so far (and for the foreseeable future), and to date, all of our decisions seem to be the right ones with our doctors, therapists, and most importantly,
the boys. Now when they get to the crawling stage (which might be sooner than we think), we may have to throw ourselves at the mercy of the public. I hear that there's a property in the U.S. that used to house eight kids,
newly vacant...
awesome! i can't wait to come over for playtime (aka lidia's nap time since she's about to be run ragged with these kidlets.
ReplyDeleteMotion--that's the ticket. Keep 'em moving and you'll hear nary a cry. Which means, of course, you'd better start lifting paint cans and/or cinder blocks to prep. At the rate I'm going, I'll look like Lou Ferrigno by year's end!