As the light fell and our decorations took their toll on the power grid, the costumed hordes began their annual onslaught. Almost everyone on our side of the complex got involved--our once modest little display now spanned the front lawns all the way down to the school and made for quite an eerie spectacle.

The boys' reactions were mixed--Carter seemed a little overwhelmed by the activity but did belt out the "Batman" theme when he saw a man in the classic costume, and someone confused him with a "wookie", not remembering that Chewbacca was part of the "Star Wars" universe, and I was glad in "Star Trek" regalia as Captain Kirk.
Nathaniel, on the other hand, began screaming immediately upon our exit from the house. At first, we thought maybe it was the darkness, until it became obvious that mom's witchy-poo makeup was frightening him, and once removed, he was just fine.
So we took turns on candy detail until the last trick-or-treater half-heartedly lumbered up our walkway. The boys really enjoyed the glow-stick from Mastermind Toys, so I'm thinking next year: Jedi Knights? My hair will probably be grey enough to pull off Obi-Wan, and Carter loves the Weird Al parody "Yoda".
And while taking the decorations down in near-sub-zero temps, I decided I'd leave the spider suspended by the boys' window, just to provoke the condo corporation. I'll be waiting anxiously for a notification, warning me that giant arachnids are in violation of our tenant agreement...
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