It was a banner day for the boys: for exactly two months now they've squeaked and drooled over this mortal earth since being "untimely ripped" (as ye olde Bard put it so eloquently in "Macbeth") last December. And while they're definitely growing and developing an awareness of their surroundings and their hapless servants (like yours truly)--oddly--their sleeping habits haven't evolved in the least. In fact, one could argue they've
devolved, if the circles under our eyes are any indication--at this point, I take comfort in knowing I'll have several
hundred hours of videotaped blackmail to use against the boys during their teenage years...not that I would...
This morning, it was back to Dr. Papadouris' clinic (through the usual miserable Toronto weather) for another check-up and trying round of important shots. Lidia dressed up the duo in a matching set of snazzy Pooh attire (dig the little socks), and as if we needed any more evidence that the boys have gained some girth (our humble downtown abode is nothing
but stairs), we found we no longer needed to reinforce them into their car seats with support blankets.

Given it was an earlier appointment, the wait wasn't nearly as long as in previous visits, and soon enough, we were behind closed doors for the bi-weekly weigh-in. Believe the ads: milk does a body good, all right--Nathaniel has gained more than a pound at 9 lbs, 2 oz, with Carter not far behind at 8 lbs, 10 oz! It might be time for me to investigate cheap steroids if I'm expected to hoist these boys around for the foreseeable future--I certainly reside in the right neighbourhood for easy access to "controlled substances"...
The otherwise agreeable mood was shattered when Dr. P produced a pair of needles for each of them. A series of pinpricks later, and the boys were now protected against diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Hib, and pneumo conjugate.
Hell, I don't even think I'm safe from half of these...
Back home, it was time to enforce a new sleeping position at Dr. P's suggestion, to alleviate some of the pressure on the side of the head they favour. Can't say it was a "hit" exactly--they've preferred this arrangement since the womb--and Carter's expressive hands have lead to more than one unwelcome recreation of a classic Three Stooges bit. But Carter'd better watch those fingers--Nathaniel has already figured out "The Steamroller"...
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