Today at around 1pm--following Joey's final visit--the boys were wide awake, the sun was shining, the cruel wind chill all but non-existent, and their father was hopped up on caffeine and in no great hurry to return to his duties in the television trenches--so what better excuse for the dynamic duo to make their long-overdue neighbourhood debut?
It was a decidedly low-key affair--why invite any more pandemonium into the already turbulent mean streets of downtown Toronto?
Saddling up in the trusty Snap-And-Go with Lidia as their pilot and navigator, the boys snoozed for the entirety of the tour, which took them along a gloriously balmy King Street West...
...past their old man's workplace...(from where he was taking an extended lunch...
...but not without attracting a number of admiring passers-by (this would occur at about every intersection)...this fellow-new-mom didn't take me up on my offer to have a drag (she might have misunderstood that I was referring to a race ala "Rebel Without A Cause", and not the sensitive issue of public smoking)...
...then north on Bathurst, past the ultra-cool toy store (where their father has already dropped some serious coin)...
...and around the corner onto fashionable Queen Street West, where I picked up a quickie Pizza Pizza combo for lunch (and took advantage of the stroller's handy storage compartment)...
...where traffic was surprisingly easy to navigate...(but over time, the damage done to our wheels from the streetcar tracks will likely inspire a lawsuit--boys, your college is paid for!)
...the boys will know cool shops like The Magic Pony collectibles store and gallery soon enough...
After a brief stop at the ATM (and no less than three additional admirers!), it was time to return to the comparatively bucolic quiet of Adelaide Street....
Enjoy the sweet ride, boyos--it doesn't get any
better than this!
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