Forget those poseurs George Clooney and Matt Damon: men-about-town Carter and Nathaniel made a big splash today at the first session of Surrey Place Centre's fall music group that will meet each Wednesday at 10am for 2 hours of play and sing-a-longs.

Today was strictly an orientation/meet-n-greet affair: the boys turned on the charm as they were introduced to new friends Maggie, her sister Quinn, Aurun, and two boys named Haroon. Roseanna, whom we hadn't seen in months, was there too and was amazed at how the boys had grown (they were only about four months the last time she visited).

In the second hour, Barbara (from the Royal Conservatory Of Music, no less) lead the group in some familiar tunes, got the folks in on the action (because, you know, none of us are
active enough), and had plenty of cool props at the ready to keep the youngsters suitably dazzled (Nathaniel was particularly

enchanted by the bubbles).

It was a rare chance for all four of us to attend a weekday event together--tomorrow, I'll take time from TIFF to check out the fun at Shelly's drop-in...see what of kind of characters the boys are hanging out with...make sure there are no bad influences...
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