Having mastered the art of sitting upright and slithering about like a python, it should come as no surprise that Carter eventually figured out how to stand up in his crib to grab his jungle mobile. It would only be a matter of time before he'd concoct away to escape the bars like a pint-sized Tim Robbins in "The Shawshank Redemption", so...

...it was time for Daddy-O to break out the tool box an the yellowing Ikea instructions to drop the crib's sleeping surface down a level. I'd just bought Carter and Nathaniel a tool set of their own, but the screwdriver provided wasn't exactly reliable or CSA-approved...

Of course, Maggie thought this was the most exciting thing in the world, and as if running off with the instructions and trying to eat the screws and plugs wasn't annoying enough, she felt she'd embrace the moment to audition for the Moscow Cat Circus...

It was a bit of a Marx Bros. routine having to rebuild a crib in a ridiculously cramped room, but eventually, I got it done with my thumbs and dignity intact.

At bed time, Carter didn't seem to mind the change in latitude...it's only a matter of time before Nathaniel will demand the same.

What's the Swedish word for "procrastinate" again...?
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