Apparently, some parents of our generation wrestle with the whole notion of Santa Claus, fearing that the propagation of the Xmas myth is a
great lie that will forever traumatize Junior. Well, even if I really
believed such nonsense, it'd be just about impossible to keep the boys shielded from it, considering the Christmas decorations get wheeled out seconds after the last bag of Halloween candy flies off the shelves. so why resist the inevitable? We can deal with the fallout later--right now, why not have fun with it?
Turns out this was the
perfect weekend to introduce the boys to another all-important Yuletide ritual (having glimpsed the Toronto Santa Claus Parade from a comfortable distance--well, as comfortable as several
thousand people crammed onto Dundas Street can get)--albeit one a bit more
up-close-and-personal--as Santa and Mrs. Claus kicked the season into gear with an appearance at The Pembroke Mall--on a
Sunday, no less!

Of course, the nice thing about small towns is that the lineups aren't nearly as long as they are for just about
anything back home (if this were The Eaton Centre, Lidia and I would be taking shifts!). The boys were in great spirits and before long, the moment had arrived...
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