Day One found us on the road early for an effortless replay of last month's marathon journey to Ye Olde Ottawa Valley. The boys napped a bit--and I stress, a bit--but stirred just in time for us to reach Belleville and the ever-welcoming A&W franchise. Carter was even more restless than usual this time around--hardly staying put for more than a few minutes while he saw the attention of the cashiers. Somehow, we all managed to chow down something resembling a lunch and then hit the blacktop again, along highways 37, 7, and 41. With minimal fuss, we made it to Grandma and Grandpa's house pretty much on schedule, after exhausting most of The Beatles' song catalogue. The boys were surprised, and delighted, to see that aunt Wendy had joined the fun, too. After reacquainting themselves with the many toys, bikes, and new additions--like the twin wading pools--the boys would find themselves witness to their first ever massive power outage, which would give their first night a dramatic turn...

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