A gorgeous Thanksgiving weekend--temps near 30 degrees C, a vista of autumnal hues, warm sunshine--so what better way to celebrate the extende summer than to hit a mall!? Actually, we had a good excuse: my parents came down to visit (an annual Thanksgiving tradition) and my grandmother, fully recovered from her scary bit of business this past summer, felt well enough to make the trip. It was everyone's last chance to see us before the boyos arrive, so we were suitably pampered and fussed over.
Lidia and I ventured with my mom and grandmother to the nearby Zellers, and were treated to a load of must-have items (and a few vain indulgences) that are sure to make our lives, and pocketbooks, just a little bit easier when the guys bound upon the stage in December/January.
In a happy coincidence, we met a young couple with twins shopping in the same section of Zellers. They were in good spirits and fine physical form, considering their adorable youngsters were only a few months old. This short, chance meeting made it all seem just a wee bit more doable--considering I live in constant, daily fear that I'm not up to the task and will somehow screw it all up--with TWICE the collateral damage.
Back at Wendy's house, the bags and boxes just kept on coming (somehow, it eclipsed the original event of the day--my nephew Thomas' 14 birthday!). The boys are gonna be well-fed, well-dressed, and well-played-out...I got tired just photographing the spectacle...and realized we've got to get moving on making some room for not only two new lives, but the truckload of stuff that'll accompany them.

By the time the weekend was over we'd filled the Mazda with onesies, diapers, blankets, socks, booties, and some always-welcome cash. I even took the wheel (I hate driving) back to the city, on the
at night. I didn't screw it up--I got us both home safe and sound. Maybe I can do this thing after all...