Shopping at The Silver Snail this Wednesday as part of my weekly ritual for the past 10+ years (and it doesn't hurt that the store is about a one minute walk from my new workplace), I was browsing the remaindered action figures on the second floor when the clerk asked me if I needed any help (he must've been new--no one at the Snail has ever asked me if I needed help...
ever). With Carter's increasing obsession with The Beatles, I asked if they had any left over action figures from the Yellow Submarine collection that had been released nearly
10 years ago. He checked the database and, amazingly, discovered that the store still had one copy each of Paul McCartney and John Lennon in the basement. The Lennon figure was from a scene in the film that left him all-but-unrecognizable, but the McCartney was an excellent likeness. Well, as you can imagine, Carter just flipped, and has been acting out YouTube musical clips with him ever since (somewhere, in storage, I have the complete set--which cost me more than 100 bucks back in the late 90s--which I'll gladly pass on if I ever find them)...
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