Sunday, September 30, 2012

September's End

Carter and Pops head out to Queen West Animal Hospital to pick up some Z/D cat food for Minnie and Maggie...with crisp fall weather now the norm why not breakout the snazzy new headgear?
Only the Shadows know...
Carter fitting in quite nicely with the trendy fashionistas...
The Halloween decorations are starting to appear...this one reminded Carter of "Frankenstein"...

Carter was impressed with the vintage Beatles figures in the guitar shop's window.  He asked me to buy them but I wouldn't want to guess as to what they were going for...if they were for sale at all!
Carter's first time at "the animal doctor".  Two little kittens were up for adoption...

And the aquarium enchanted him, too.  Maybe some day we'll get the real deal...
That's Dean R. Koontz...
And that's Danielle Steele (yup, they name their cats after authors.  Guess we're too late for Ezra Pound and T. Coraghessan Boyle)...
Carter noticed Trinity Bellwoods Park--"the big park"--was directly across Queen Street and announced that he wanted to go there later...sure, why not?

Nice playground, but man, is it busy.  Not too many familiar faces, but the boys always make friends...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Week Four, Day Five!

Last day of an exciting week--pizza lunch, the evening parents' council meeting, some brand new art...will the boys make it through the day without crashing?

Roll call!

There's Olivier..
And Nico (the boys had a bit of a one-day falling-out that I'm still not 100% clear on...)

I slipped out this time without saying goodbye...Carter always starts crying when I leave these past two weeks, and I wanted him to keep having fun.  Instead, I snuck out and hid behind the door and watched him play for a few minutes.  He did stop to look around for me, but eventually, joined Nico on the stairs and they were off trying to out-Hulk each other...
After school the boys were still wide awake...

So we headed off to the park to reunite with the neighbourhood regulars...

Of course, I was technically still at work and "had to go downstairs" to do "something", so after some time on the slide, I had to head back...
By the time I got home, Nathaniel's eyes were getting heavy...
Poor Carter didn't make it.  He was out...

I had no idea what to do with myself and all this extra time. So I went to the drawing desk for a head-start on some art...tomorrow, I'm sure they'll be back-on-the-clock...