Backpacks ready and hair suitably-gelled, we embarked on the dramatic walk to everyone's favorite corner school house...
The boys instantly began to explore the nifty new playground again, exclusive only to all-day-JK-members...
Soon, Miss P, Miss Ruth, and co. emerged to announce the rules of the playground and take the roll call...

As it was time for us to leave, Carter stayed at the gate and continued to engage me, obviously a bit reluctant to let go...

But after a few seconds, I looked back, and he was gone. I told him to look out for his brother, and have fun with the other kids. I heard him singing...he must've been entertaining a crowd...but I'll always be his biggest fan...

I missed lunch and the end-of-day due to a busy work day, but when I got home, the boys were zonked and enjoying our wonderful technology...
We retired upstairs for cold baths (time to call Enbridge, as our hot water suddenly died out!), and a rerun of a favorite Bubble Guppies episode ("The Crayon Prix")...

End of a dramatic week tomorrow boys...but you did well...
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