Today we reached Week 19, and had our most significant ultrasound to date at the usual joint (the Bloomberg something-something-clinic in the Ontario Hydro Building at University and College, etc. etc.). The test results revealed the growing infinks to be "normal" across the board, after thorough examinations that read like a crash course in Gray's Anatomy (or, "Drawing The Human Body" by Giovanni Civardi, an essential reference I highly recommend to all serious artists). I'll cut right to the chase this time, because the suspense is surely killing everyone and the bookies are no doubt eager to collect. Let's first give a major shout-out to my coworker Vera Heim, who called it based upon the heart-rates (147 and 149):
They're TWO BOYS!
Lawdy Miss Clawdy, am I going to have mucho f-u-n for the foreseeable future!
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