It's November 24. Right now there are three very nice Portuguese ladies scrubbing my home from top to bottom, making it gleam like it did when it was first built. I don't think it was this nice when we moved in here -- the previous owner left the place somewhat short of a disaster.
Having the house cleaned was just one of dozens of items I listed on a to-do list when I was ordered off work just after Halloween. We've had someone in to check the furnace and fireplace, we've picked up just about all the baby items needed (except for cribs from Ikea, which I assume are on their way -- unfortunately the central number isn't being cooperative today so I can't check).
Doing all this stuff got me into a little bit of trouble with Dr. Thomas, though, who told me last week that she was on the verge of admitting me to hospital given my high blood pressure and pretty much ordered me to be totally lazy at least for a couple of weeks. She had me visit Mount Sinai's Obstetrical Day Unit last Friday for a bit of monitoring and it looks like so far the enforced lounging has worked: while the BP is still high Dr. T thinks we can still manage resting at home. She'll be happy, she said, if our boys could stay inside for another two or three weeks.
Hold it... two or three weeks????? Two weeks would be my dad's birthday, December 5! Holy moley this is getting close!!
float babies float. we need more time!!